What We Do
Semester-Long Language-Rich Play
Small, inclusive language-rich group opportunities for children to gain access to peers for social interaction, generalize speech and language targets, or participate in an adult-supported learning opportunity outside the home. Groups meet once a week. Toddler groups are 45-minute sessions for two-year-olds. Preschool groups are an hour for three-and four-year-olds.
Spring Semester registration is open. If you would like more information, please contact us.
One-On-One Speech/Language Evaluations and Therapy
Our team travels to you for speech therapy! We are private pay providers. We travel to your home or your child’s preschool. We believe the best support at this age is done through one-on-one interaction in conjunction with parent/teacher coaching. Treatment plans are developed to provide practical and functional support.
Areas of support include: receptive language, expressive language, articulation, fluency, developmental delay, autism, Down Syndrome, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), Natural Language Acquisition, executive functioning, phonological awareness and preliteracy, early intervention,
Early Childhood Professional Development Provider
Executive Functioning in Early Childhood and Phonological Awareness in Early Childhood are TrainTN approved professional development opportunities for preschool educators. Each training is 1.5 hours and can be facilitated in a small/large group environment through lecture, discussion, and small group activities.
Community Screenings
Tiny Talkers PLLC partners with small businesses and preschools to host screenings to increase access to a speech language pathologist for questions and referrals for further evaluation, if needed. If your business or school is interested, please contact us and we’d love to set it up.
Infant Consultation
Do you have an infant or early toddler and wondering if there are ways to support their communication development in the earliest stages? We’d love to show you simple ways to play with your baby to support pre-verbal skills. Consultations can be scheduled for a one time visit or a group of visits. Email us for more information.