Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t see the answer to your question here? Contact us!
My child is language delayed. Can he still participate in TT groups?
Absolutely! Accommodations are the name of the game as an SLP. The important aspect is exposure to new material and peers! I will meet your child where he is.
My child is extremely verbal. Can she still participate in TT groups?
Yes! The activities presented are appropriate for children ages 2-4-years-old and will be beneficial for them. All skills are targeted through play and are enjoyable.
Are Tiny Talkers playgroups considered speech therapy?
Tiny Talkers groups can be a supplement to one-on-one speech therapy. Your child does not need an evaluation or a diagnosis to participate in Tiny Talkers. If you are currently receiving one-on-one speech therapy, I highly recommend continuing those services. If you are looking for a one-on-one speech therapy provider, we can provide you with an evaluation and one-on-one therapy, if needed. One-on-one will be the best way for progress to be monitored with an SLP setting a specific plan for your child’s needs and monitoring data.
What COVID precautions are you taking?
All Tiny Talkers playgroups are held outdoors with small groups of 4-5 children. Between groups, all materials will be sanitized. Prior to a shared activity, such as the sensory bin, we all will use hand sanitizer. I will be wearing a clear face shield so children can still visualize my facial expressions and lip/mouth movements. All parents sign an agreement regarding sick/COVID policy. Masks are optional for children as we will be outdoors.
Since you meet outside, what is the plan if groups are canceled due to weather?
I have a plan in place for this! Email me for a registration packet for more information.
I am looking for a speech and language evaluation for my child. Is this something you provide?
Yes! We travel to your home or your child’s school for evaluations and treatment. If you have questions regarding your child’s development, it is recommended you “check and see” rather than “wait and see”. If you are interested in our one-on-one services, please contact us!
Is a screening the same thing as an evaluation?
A screening and an evaluation are not the same. A screening is a quick check to see if your child should be referred for a full speech/language evaluation. A full evaluation is needed to provide a diagnosis and plan for therapy.